Monday, January 10, 2011

my daughter

Before                                                                                       After

I painted over the whole canvas on the left and started over.  I finally got around to finding a better reference photo. I think I've come a long way since June.  I hope Ellie will like it, too.

I'm not finished yet. :)  I am taking artistic liberty here by changing what my daughter was wearing and not caring too much whether the painting looks EXACTLY like the photo or not. As long as someone who knows Ellie would come in and say, "Oh, that's Ellie!" I'll be happy. I'm so hard on myself and it really keeps me from soaring sometimes. I HAVE to let go and just paint what I think looks good. She's not finished but I'm liking the way she looks -- she looks like my Ellie :)


  1. These are just beautiful! You have captured your daughter so well and now you will have these paintings to treasure forever!

  2. These are wonderful! You really brought her to life in the second one. Great work!

  3. Megan, I love it! Wow, I love the texture and color. Let go and keep painting. You are doing great!

  4. Hi Megan!--This is beautiful--LOVE that texture, and your daughter is very pretty!!

  5. Good morning! I just stumbled upon your blog from the bloghop and love your works, very inspiring. I could paint and draw my children all day long if I had the time, since it would give me a reason to just stare at them and remember every detail....Looking forward to seeing more!

  6. Wow! Great the texture in them!

  7. wow, what a challenge to do your child....and it is it!!! especially the texture.



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